A Bounce message is also known as Non-delivery report. When an email is rejected by a subscriber’s email servers, it’s known as bounce. There are many different types of bounces that you might experience when you get engaged in email marketing. When an email bounces, that means email isn’t delivered to the recipient for some reason. It’s a good idea to keep an eye on your bounce numbers to be sure that your emails are reaching to your subscribers or not. These details can be found in your dashboards as well as campaign report.
Soft Bounce
Soft bounce indicates a temporary delivery issue to an address. Soft bounce means that email address was valid and the email message reached to the recipient’s service. However, it bounced back because,
The Email address will be considered as a hard bounce if it continuously gets a soft bounce.
Hard Bounce
A Hard bounce occurs when an email is permanently rejected, or it might have a permanent email delivery issue because:
A Hard bounce occurs when the domain name or email address is incorrect or fake. The most important thing to understand about hard bounce is that it can never be changed, recovered, and it’s permanent.
The only thing you can do is when you get a hard bounce is to remove that email from your list. login.constantmeet.com does it automatically for you It removes the email ids with hard bounce and they are not included the next time you do the email campaign with that particular list.
Soft Bounces vs. Hard Bounces
When the email gets hard bounce, it highly affects the reputation and when reputation is affected then the email lands up in spam list instead of inbox. Because, when email is hard bounced it indicates that email address is either fake, invalid or does not exist. But when an email gets soft bounce it doesn’t affect much of your reputation because it has happened when recipient’s server was down,the mailbox was full or due to some error problem from the recipients end.
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